Hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids refer to a health condition characterized by strained or stressed blood vessels around the rectum. This condition leads to discomfort, pain, irritation, and itching in the affected area. Some patients may also experience bleeding, a symptom that occurs during bowel evacuation. Although it can be frightening to pass bloodstained stools, it is vital to stay calm. Different remedies can help affected individuals to cure this condition.
Nature of Hemorrhoids
Bleeding is a common symptom in persons affected by internal hemorrhoids. In most cases, persons with external hemorrhoids are unlikely to bleed. Although most medical professionals associate internal hemorrhoids with bloodstained stools, other health conditions may have similar symptoms. These conditions include anal cancer and fissures. You may be suffering from hemorrhoids if you are passing bloody stools.
Severe cases of hemorrhoids can lead to thrombosed hemorrhoids. In this case, blood clots in the affected area. Consequently, hemorrhoids protrude from the anal area. This condition is also characterized by swelling, itching, and pain. Bleeding usually results from friction and squeezing during movements. These problems also result from straining when a person is having hard bowel movements or constipation. Excessive bleeding may occur, but it is uncommon. Anemia may also occur, but it is also unlikely to occur. It is advisable to look for medical help in case of severe pain and bleeding.
How to Ascertain Whether you are Suffering from Bleeding Hemorrhoids
A bloodstained stool is the key symptom of this condition. There are also other indicators to help you know whether the blood comes from hemorrhoids or other health conditions. The first indicator is the color of the blood. Check whether the blood is black, red, or brown. Bleeding hemorrhoids normally produce red blood, which is fresh. Black or brown blood may signify a serious health condition. Look for a doctor as soon as you can.
Do not ignore any symptoms of blood in the rectum even if the bleeding results from hemorrhoids. See your doctor whenever you notice this symptom because it might signify another serious health condition like an infection, torn tissues, and anal fissures.
With the help of a scope, the doctor can examine your colon and rectum to find the source of your bleeding. The doctor can also confirm whether your treatment method is effective.
Treatments for Bleeding Hemorrhoid
What should you do to cure bleeding hemorrhoids? You can use different hemorrhoid cures to cure this condition. These treatments can restore you comfort within a short period.
Ordinary Retail Medications
Several ordinary retail medications are available in the market. For instance, hemorrhoid ointments and creams can improve comfort and reduce the itching, tenderness, and swelling associated with the condition.
This treatment method involves the use of an injection or several infections on hemorrhoid tissues. The injection contains chemicals that eradicate or dissolve hemorrhoids. Unfortunately, this therapy cannot prevent hemorrhoids from reappearing.
Surgery/Rubber Banding
Rubber banding is a form of therapy where the doctor cuts off the supply of blood to the bleeding hemorrhoid. As a result, the targeted hemorrhoid withers away and falls off. It gets out of the body during bowel movements. This procedure is highly successful, but patients can experience extreme pain due to squeezing. Advanced hemorrhoids may require a surgical procedure (hemorrhoidectomy). Surgery should be the last option because it risky. Surgery is useful for severe cases of bleeding.
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