Basic Information: What is Prep-Hem (PE & Cocoa Butter) Rectal?
This review of Prep-Hem (PE & Cocoa Butter) Rectal gives a comprehensive analysis of the product for those customers who are on the look-out for the best solutions when it comes to treating rectal infections. Prep-Hem (PE & Cocoa Butter) Rectal helps provide relief from pain, itching, burning and swelling caused by hemorrhoids. It contains cocoa butter which helps form a barrier that protects the skin from getting inflamed during the passing of the stools.
- Phenylephrine
- Cocoa Butter
The cream is supposed to be used only in the rectum. One can use the product four times in a day and preferably once during the day and once during night time. One can use it whenever having a bowel movement and can use the advice of a doctor.
One is supposed to lie on the left side and bend their right knew. Now one should gently push the s inside the rectum, the suppository with the finger. For a few minutes, one should lie and should not for at least an hour not have any bowel movement.
There are no prices available for the product on the website.
What to Expect
I have tried the product and it does not heal as expected. The results are slow and that causes a lot of discomfort. I don’t think I will be using the product as it does not suit me.
Keep an Eye Out
According to the manufacturers, the medication does not cause any side effects in usual circumstances. There can be a feeling of mild pain or stinging might happen if the tissue of the rectum is bleeding or raw. It is advised that one consults a doctor immediately under such circumstances.
One should not use if going through any of these side effects : having trouble sleeping, a severe headache, irregular or fast heartbeat, shakiness and nervousness.
Manufacturer’s Commitment
There is no commitment from the side of the manufacturer that is available.
There are no customer reviews on the product’s website. The few that are available on other shopping websites are not happy with the results.
The Bottom Line
Prep-Hem (PE & Cocoa Butter) Rectal is a cream that does not show any promise as it has claimed. The reviews are not many and those that are available are negative. Many of them have not seen the promised results. The formula hasn’t been written extensively and only mentions two main ingredients. There are a lot of serious side effects that have been listed out and it is advisable that one consults a doctor before using this cream. Although it is topical, it stands a chance of getting absorbed into the blood stream and creating further damage. It is advisable that one should not use this cream until one has the doctor’s permission to do so.
In order to have the bowel function properly one should have a diet which is high in fiber, one should drink around six to eight glasses of water each day.
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